This past week was rough. Two weekends ago I was fighting a sore throat, which Thank you, Lord didn't turn into anything. And started to have some bad pain on my right side. So I went into the Doctors on Tuesday. He said it was probably round ligament pain. [Round ligament pain is when the ligaments holding the uterus are stretching. Growing with my uterus, which can cause pain.] The Dr. also gave me a flu shot, which wow! I forgot how much those hurt afterward. And lots of headaches. I'm starting to feel bad putting all this Tylenol into my system.
This week, so far, the round ligament pain seems to be getting less. I have been feeling like my sinuses have been going crazy though. I talked to my sister and she had that happen to her during her 3rd pregnancy, which gives me a little more comfort. Headaches/Neck tension is an everyday thing, but tylenol seems to help. And since I'm in my 2nd trimester, I'm hoping for most of this to start slowing down. :) Overall, it has been a great week. I am learning to deal with the pain. I have a baby growing inside of me... I can take it!
This Saturday Taylor and I celebrate our Christmas with each other. Our first and last Christmas in our apartment. We are both so excited. I plan on making Sausage Gravy & Biscuits for breakfast. A sweet tradition my family does Christmas morning. After we're done, we will pack up and head over to the Brown's until Wednesday. Jon & Julie get in Saturday around dinner time and well, I can't wait to see them!! We'll be going to McAdenville to see Christmas lights. [McAdenville is a little town that has a ton of Christmas lights and you can drive through slow and look at them all. It is so much fun!] We'll have a boys vs girls Gingerbread house making competition. We'll visit with Memmere, Fred, Nana & Da. And rest a whole lot. Eat a whole lot and not gain a pound. And have fun fun fun!
On a side note, our scale is so wrong. I mean for anyone outside of pregnancy a wrong scale is kind of nice. ;) But it still says I haven't gained any weight. But, at my latest Dr. visit, their scale showed I gained 3 lbs. So, I won't really be able to accurately say how many pounds I've gained until I have my visits. oh darn! ;)
How far long: 15 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 3 + lbs
Maternity clothes: None yet, I still have 2 or 3 pairs of pants that fit. Woohoo!
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Eh? Waking up every few hours with a full bladder.. and having weird dreams.
Best moment this week: One day this week I woke up without a headache or neck tension... it was glorious!! Oh and also, I actually cooked a few meals this week without feeling sick! Praise the Lord! And I know that blessed my hubby. :)
Have you told family and friends? Yes!
Miss anything: Honestly, not really. Though, I won't be making Trader Joe's trips [queasy reasons] and I kind of miss that.
Movement: Sometime I think I feel movement, but I'm unsure... mommy and daddy are anxiously awaiting!
Food cravings: Salads, cucumber with salt, and ice cold water. Seriously, iced cold water is keeping me going.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still smells. Like coffee or [if you live near Highland Creek you'll know] Wallace Farms. Yuck!
Have you started to show yet: A growing small bump. :)
Gender prediction: It changes back and forth all the time. . . Only 5 more weeks!!!
Labor Sign: None
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender and feeling the baby move!!!
We have our first boy/girl items purchased. And I love them!!!
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I mean... How do you say no to something so cute?!!! |
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I love bow ties on kids. Though they aren't practical they are adorable! :) |
I hope everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Hugs from Charlotte to Delaware <3