

May 31, 2013

Pumpkin baby

This week started off amazing! Date day on Monday with Taylor was awesome. We saw Iron Man 3, had chick-fil-a, went strawberry picking, had a funnel cake(!!!) Seriously I craved funnel cake around 3 months and finally got it!!!!!, went to South Park mall, and finished off the day with Mexican dinner which I will be saying bye bye to until Winnie is here-- had horrible heartburn afterwards. 

The rest of the week has been semi-normal. Getting the house in order has been the theme. I haven't been sleeping too much through the night, thinking a lot about house stuff, baby stuff, and labor. Gah, labor. If I told you this week was peaceful and non-emotional when thinking about child birth I'd be lying to you. It has been freaking me out actually. But thankfully, GOD, who has planned Winnie's birth before the world began has a perfect plan. I am thankful for God who has brought peace to my soul many times and continues to lead me in peace. Romans 8:26 "Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness." 

Winifred is now around the size of a pumpkin.  And it sure does look like I put a pumpkin under my shirt. I feel like I've popped and could pop any day now. At today's follow up her heartbeat was 145, she is fully effaced and I am measuring at 3cm dilated!! D-day is right around the corner. Can you believe it??

Winnie is still a moving machine. With her morning stretches and late night dance parties, you'd think she never wanted to leave my belly. I continue to lean on what my Dr said at last weeks visit, "We always win. She's coming out one way or another." haha. Hopefully VERY SOON and on her own!!

How far along: end of 38 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 21 lbs
Maternity clothes: Yes
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Between being completely anxious to meet my girl and wondering how and when I'll go into labor and having heartburn this past week... sleep hasn't been happening. But when I do get a few hours in, it's amazing!
Best moment this week: My date with Taylor, my follow up appointment, and getting our new sectional!!
Miss anything: Moving from side to side in bed without it hurting and sleeping on my back.
Movement: Like I said earlier, homegirl has moves! It's mostly her lower half stretching out or moving around up by my rib area but not in my ribs anymore praise Jesus!!!! or sometimes she'll move her head and wow, that becomes too much on my bladder.
Food cravings: Watermelon all.day.long., peach tea, and anything cold.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Heartburn did one night this week.. didn't get sick, but felt horrible.
Have you started to show yet: Taylor says I ate a black watermelon seed and it grew!
Gender: Girl!!!
Labor Signs: Cramp-like contractions here and there - nothing painful just takes me by surprise when it happens. Lightening. Nausea. Nesting.
Symptoms: HORMONES! Emotions have hit their peak this week. Good thing she's due any day cuz it's a little much. Swollen ankles by the end of the day, heartburn, nesting all i want to do is dust base boards, who am i?
Belly button in or out: Out
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I can't lie..... I have been moody this week. Off and on for the past few weeks, but a lot this week. And super super emotional. But then so happy at the same time. Which is it ??? I am asking myself the same question these days. No one warned me how emotional you'd be during the last few weeks of pregnancy. 
Looking forward to: Winnie <3 

Pictures from our date :)

Lunch @ CFA 
Strawberry fields forever

They were delicious! 
Like a child in a candy store.... I was SO excited! 
Look at that belly... I'm gonna miss it!
Dating him is my favorite :)
Both of these are mine.... by the time I thought
to snap a picture of this lovely beverage
Taylor was done with his. haha.

May 23, 2013

Full-term baby

I am officially 37 weeks preggers and that means I am considered full-term. This is the homestretch. A huge part of me feels like it has flown by, but lately it's feeling like every minute is an hour. I am so anxious to have this little girl. We can't wait to hold her and kiss her and start this family of 3!

These past few weeks have been anything but relaxing. We have been going going going non-stop. But what is wonderful is we've had help from family and friends to make it go a little smoother. My mom and sister were here last weekend for my shower and Mother's day and my mom and dad were here this weekend to bring us furniture for Winnie's room and to get her room started. And during the week the Brown's have been here a few nights helping with our bathroom and painting. With all that help we have gotten all the wall paper down in our bathroom and all the wood work up in Winnie's room. Woohoo! Taylor and I are so thankful for the sacrifice of time and money family has done for us. Thank you! The house is almost ready!!

Sorry I have been so lame and haven't been doing my chalkboard updates. To be honest, I don't have time. We did however just give the chalkboard a home, perfectly placed in our kitchen. :) Before she's here I'll make sure to do at least 1 more chalkboard update.

Winnie is about the size of a Winter Melon and probably weighs 6 or more pounds. She is and has been for a while head down and very low.

How far along: 37 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 19 lbs
Maternity clothes: I wear whatever fits at this point.
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Uncomfortable. I haven't gotten much sleep lately.
Best moment this week: My mom and dad being in town- we got so much done. Hearing Win's heartbeat at my appointment - a strong 137. And preparing for Winnie's arrival- all her clothes are washed and hung, her bag is packed and mommy and daddy's bags are almost packed.
Miss anything: Walking without waddling
Movement: She is still moving around in there. I see her knee, foot, and bum push out all the time and her head has been laying on my bladder for a while now... that is always nice. ha. She also has the hiccups all the time.
Food cravings: Over the past few weeks: Sautéed mushrooms, fruit of all kinds, chocolate, and frozen yogurt.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing
Have you started to show yet: Of course
Gender: Girl!!!
Labor Signs: My doctor says she is low, which explains why my breathing has gotten a little easier, but now everything hurts from the waist down... she is almost ready for her big day. Cervix is 1 cm dilated. Come on baby girl! I hope we make it to June and then she can show up whenever~ 
Symptoms: Fatigue, swollen ankles, leg pain, puffy face, greater urge to pee, naps... lots and lots of naps.
Belly button in or out: Outie!
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I feel pretty happy, but I am overly exhausted which makes me moody sometimes.
Looking forward to: Winnie <3 
And Taylor has a 3 day weekend and we're having a date on Monday for the first time in what feels like FOREVER. Words cannot begin to describe how excited I am for this and how much we need it!!!

Here is a sneak peak of a few house projects:


On a side note, we upgraded Taylor's grill. My dear love, he deserves this grill and so much more. I look forward to many meals coming from this manly thing.

We got a grill for our wedding that we weren't able to use until we got into the house. Though it is charcoal and super adorable... it's not manly and not ideal. I am sure we will use it every once in a while, but I had to get him a new grill. Taylor researched which one he liked, and so this is my i love you, thank you for everything, welcome home gift to him. :)

He went from this.....

We are thankful to Carrie & Austin for this
precious wedding gift. I personally love it. :)
It's okay to laugh.... we did! 
To this.....

Breaking it in with steaks! 
Ohhh yeah!!!
My sexy man and his grill <33

I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Weekend! 

May 15, 2013

Winnie's Shower & Mother's Day

Mother's day weekend was full of wonderful memories. My mom and sister came into town for the weekend to celebrate Winnie and Mother's day together. We had my baby shower which was such a sweet success. It was darling. My sister, mom and friend worked hard at putting this all together. And we were blessed! Winnie was certainly showered with tons of fabulous things. And lots and lots of clothes! She is my daughter, so that is to be expected. ;)

On Mother's day we celebrated after church at the Brown's and all of us ladies rested while Taylor & Bill made dinner for us. It was so delicious and I love the honor of being apart of Mother's day now. :)

Winnie's Shower

Winnie's Gigi & Grandma Sandy
The ladies behind the beautiful shower! 

I got Christina to say "baby" and got all her pins!  
Shortly after she got them back.... haha! 
Winnie's Great Nana Winnie sent her first
fork, spoon, & "pusher" from the 1920s
I love these ladies!!!! <3 

35 weeks & 6 days

Mother's Day
Our sweet sign from Taylor
My delicious breakfast - thanks hunny!
Mother's Day smiles

May 4, 2013

Butternut Squash Baby

I can't wait for number 3 to join our family! 

I am in the last few days of week 34 and I am feeling large and tired.... but still enjoying being pregnant. :) I am so anxious to meet our tiny I can't even take it. She is about the size of a butternut squash. She is weighing anywhere between 4-6 lbs and measuring anywhere between 17-18 inches. She is able to recognize songs we sing or music we listen to. Which explains why I feel lots of movements during worship on Sundays. :) And her fingernails have now reached the tips of her fingers. Yay for future manicures!

As for mommy and daddy, we are 1 week today in our home. Settling in has been slowly happening. We have been working non-stop till the late hours of every night to get things done. Saying I'm tired is an understatement, but grace is overflowing to me and I am thankful.

My mom and sister arrive next Thursday and i.can't.wait. My goal is to get Taylor and I out of the guest room and into our room and set up the guest room for them by.... Thursday! It doesn't seem like a lot to do, but come over and you'll understand. haha ;)

I've also had hospital bag checklists on my mind. Maybe it's all the pre-registering/birthing plans I've been doing. Not to mention we are a short 2 weeks away from being 'full-term' - what?! Soon we'll be holding our girl in our arms. Until then, she continues to cook and prepare for life outside of mama.

How far along: 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 15 lbs - somehow I lost 2 lbs? when i look like i've gained 5!
Maternity clothes: Yes & Taylor's shirts
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Officially uncomfortable [especially since i so badly want to sleep on my back] and i'm up every few hours making my rounds to the bathroom.
Best moment this week: Laying in bed with Taylor and watching my belly- she was moving and pushing out a bunch.
Miss anything: Sleeping on my back
Movement: I am starting to feel more solid pushing out rather than turns or flips. She has less room, which my Doctor said less movement is normal because of that.
Food cravings: Anything healthy please! That is -craving- I haven't done a good job at actually eating that way. All this child wants is sugar... i guess it's time to start practicing saying no?
Anything making you queasy or sick: I had heartburn the other night which made me nauseous. But once I fell asleep I was golden.
Have you started to show yet: Yes - been told i look like i'm due any day now.... not sure how i feel about that comment. haha
Gender: Girl!!!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: I had a bad charley horse cramp this past week- i hate them. Right rib pain and lower abdominal pressure- lots and lots of pressure.
Belly button in or out: Out
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I was moody earlier this week. I am blaming stress and fatigue. The last few days i've been happier :)
Looking forward to: Setting up Winnie's nursery!!! And my mom and sister coming into town :)

May 2, 2013

Moving [part 2]

Moving day- what.a.day.

    I cannot even begin to express my amazement in God's hand over all of moving day. We started the day with our maternity photo shoot. Whhaaaat???? Are you crazy? A lot of people thought we were... even my husband when I scheduled it for the same day. BUT, it all worked out perfectly.
    Backing up a day or two, the weather called for rain. Rain starting in the morning and lasting until Sunday. The night before, the forecast said rain starting at 10 -the time we scheduled to start our move- and lasting all night. The morning of, it started spitting around 7:50am (pictures at 8). We prayed. We asked God for the rain to hold off for our pictures and for our move. I specifically asked that it would not rain until after the guys have everything in our new house. God heard our prayers and answered them. :) It stopped spitting around 8:05ish and didn't start raining until i think 2 or 3? It may seem small and trivial to you, but that was a big blessing to me!

Moving day- I was blown away by the help. We had around 20-22 people come out to move us. That is what I call church family!! People showed up at 10 and by 11 the apartment was empty. I feel like I blinked and it was all gone. We headed over to the house and the guys had it all in the right rooms by noon. They continued to work hard even after that...

...and now is when I begin to brag a little more on my God and my friends. :)

A guy in our church brought over a moving truck from his dad's company, so we didn't need to rent one. A sweet friend of ours bought lunch and drinks enough for everyone and had it at the house by noon when everyone was ready to eat. Her husband asked where our lawn mower was and stayed later to mow our lawn. Friends continue to come over and stay late in the night to help paint walls. Bill and Gisele have spent hours and hours here helping us get things in order, moving their schedule around to serve us... and helping me to not do too much- Winnie is staying in for a little longer. Thanks Mom G! Our community group set up meals for this week so I don't have to worry about it. Oh and photos the morning of- my dear friend came over at 6:30am to do my hair! And speaking of photos, the photographer was so efficient and so fun and I'm very glad we got to work with her. :)

I have just scratched the surface. God has built my faith in my church and community group so much over the weekend. Why did I doubt? He is faithful, even when we're not- something I have been reminded of a lot over the past year.

Even though the house still doesn't seem like home to me, and if I think too much about our apartment hormones take over and I cry... it is coming together. It is slowly but surely turning into our home. I know this is just the beginning of new memories to come and I can't wait.

I tried to take photos during moving day, but seriously, I picked up my camera and turned to snap a memory and the apartment was empty. You all work fast! :)

Here are a few photos I was able to get of moving day:

This was a few weeks ago, but I had to post it.
Taylor mowing our lawn for the first time!! :)
He did a fantastic job too. 

I know we have said it a ton, but thank you!!! 

What life looks like now (only showing you a few rooms).....

Our living room
My working progress.. haha soon it will look much better!
Look at all those empty boxes :-D
Taylor setting up our dining room table...
... so I can put all of those clean dishes there. 
It's a mess, but it's coming together!! We have goals set and I can't wait to meet them. :)