

November 27, 2013

Winnie on the move-

Literally, our little lady is moving... crawling.. army scooting... rolling... all.over.the.place.

A part of me wants to push her down  encourage her to wait... but another part, a huge part, wants to lead her and encourage her along. She is her own person and wants to crawl, so why not help her in the process? She is busy busy busy. 

One thing that makes us laugh is that of all her toys laid around her, once I pull out her bag of wipes she tries her hardest to get it. I think that is normal for babies/kids, I hear it often from other moms. Kids playing with the boxes the toys come in, or playing with plastic cups, or with the pots and pans, etc. Any who, the video I posted here is of our little lady crawling to get the wipes. I love her and all that she is accomplishing!! :-)

November 21, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We put up the tree last weekend and i LOVE it!! Not like there was any doubt I would. This is our favorite season. It is so jolly and fun!

So far we have put up our tree, a small snowy village, and decorated our lovely mantle. We will be putting up lights outside soon to which I am so excited!! I want lights everywhere, downstairs, in our bedroom, in the bathroom, anywhere really... they are the best! I am also going to get some live Christmas tree branches to place in vases & jars around the house. Can.not.wait. It's going to smell so amazing! Christmas music. Cookie baking. List making. Shopping. All of it is so much fun, and Winnie loves all the lights and rolls over to be under the tree to play with the skirt. Happy 1st Christmas season to my little lady!

Winnie loves the tree!

Winnie's new friends...
the penguin sings & dances :-D
stockings hung with care :)
Our mantle, not yet complete, but beautiful!!! 
my snowy village :)
Next project(s): making an entryway table for more Christmas decorations and coming up with an advent candle centerpiece for our table. Jesus is the reason for the season and we love celebrating our Savior! <3

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week preparing for Thanksgiving and Christmas!! 

November 10, 2013

FIVE Months!!!!

Could it be?? Five moths ago I went in to the hospital to be induced, ended up in an emergency c-section and had my little girl.... 5 months! I can't get over how fast time goes. It is exciting to watch Winnie grow up, but it is happening way too fast. My tiny baby is now a not-so-tiny 14 lbs, 14 ounces. Another thing that continues to blow my mind is that she is my daughter. I am her mom! I remember being 5 months pregnant. It was at 20 weeks when we found out she was our Winnie, 21 weeks she was said to be the size of a banana [that is how old she was when we started her on bananas too- haha] and at 22 weeks when she gave me her first good kick to my ribs and started moving around a ton. I love remembering her inside my belly- such amazing memories!

5 months

Over the last few weeks Winnie has been rolling and scooting all over the floor to get where she'd like to go or to reach a certain toy- i love seeing her look for certain toys and try her hardest to get them. She is one determined little turkey. She is also starting to "sit" on her knees and arms in crawling position and is trying her hardest to sit up. I know she'll be so happy once she can.

love those eyes

We made the decision a few weeks ago to try bananas before bed because she is developmentally ready for some kind of food. She is always reaching for our food and nursing 24/7 a lot... so we decided to try solids. Plus she needed something extra to help her last longer than 2 hours thru the night, and so did I. ;) She didn't know what to think at first, but after a couple nights, she is opening her mouth to her spoon and not struggling to swallow or spitting it out! You go girl! 

first bite of bananas

Check out this video of her tasting/trying to eat bananas for the first time!! It's hilarious :)

Since giving her bananas, we've also tried avocado... she isn't a huge fan, so we're moving on to peas and sweet potatoes. :)

She still loves the ABC song the most. And has recently found much enjoyment in us pretend coughing or sneezing and sometimes mimics our coughs. She belly laughs when Taylor rubs her feet on his face scruff, it is too funny! Oh and everything goes in her mouth.... she must be at the first stage of teething because she is drooling and sucking/gnawing on everything. With that said, she held her frozen teething ring in her mouth for the first time without dropping it from begin so cold. Yay Winnie!!

Winnie was able to meet more family members this month, Memere & Fred and Uncle George & Aunt Cathy. It is such a gift and joy to see extended family meet our girl!

she loves her Pops Fred
Winnie with Memere & Pops Fred  
Winnie with her Great Aunt Cathy & Great Uncle George

We love you more and more every day little turkey! You make mommy and daddy so proud and joy-filled!! We thank God for you always! xoxox