

April 30, 2014

Little Girl Nursery

It's been a year since we moved in to our home before Winnie arrived and we are finally done her nursery. We finished last month with organizing some wall art, now that everything is hung I can now share with you what we've done. I am so happy with her room. It's probably my favorite room in the house.

Her room before was a bright blue. I wanted to have white wainscoting with purple walls and yellow and grey accents. So, I decided on a faint purple for her walls, white furniture w/ purple knobs, purple curtains, a grey rocking chair, a grey rug, and yellow accents here and there.  I love it!!!

Taylor and my dad planned and built the wainscoting on her walls. You can click here for the step-by-step process of how to make it yourself. I was full-term when we put it all together, thankfully, my parents were here to help us finish paint her room.

Winnie's Nursery 

This wall collage is my favorite. It completes her room!! 
What's on the wall [L to R]: Our first family photo after my c section, 4 generations of Browns,
Winnie with her Nana Winnie, her name, ABC & I AM HIS wall art, a canvas, a mirror,
a shadow box of her hospital stuff, and the 2 empty frames will eventually be filled
with a song I've been singing to her since she was in my belly, and a picture... soon. 
I love these 3 next to one another! 
One of my favorite sections of the wall collage.
"I AM HIS" wall art from Inspired Simply
Her name drawn by my friend Jeni :)
Changing table made out of my moms childhood desk. :)
Taylor built a shelf to hold the diapers. 

Canvas I made years back...
[dancer painted by Jeni]
true life. <3
I love her room so very much!!! 

April 22, 2014

Our Easter weekend recap

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. I love this holiday over most because of what it represents, my Savior risen from the dead, He is seated on His throne, ALIVE! What good news!!

We had a great weekend. We took a quick trip to SC to visit my cousins, then relaxed at home and laughed a lot while watching Winnie teach herself how to sit in her new arm chair. Sunday was extra special, being at church surrounded with people worshiping our Risen Lord. We spent Sunday evening with our friends and their whole family, eating good food and hanging outside in the beautiful weather. We are so blessed!


Lori with all the kids

Dani & Winnie

Winnie & Landon having a lunch date
Rylee & Winnie playing
<3 <3 <3 



Easter morning with her basket
I look inside her basket: a variety of Peter Rabbit food pouches, a white bunny, a lamb teething toy, some bunny books, carrot shaped chalk, Happy Feet 1&2, and Easter Veggie Tales [from Gigi & Poppop]

Happy Easter!!

April 10, 2014

Double digits

Winnie will never ever be in single digit [months] again... Isn't that crazy? Our growing baby is 10 months old today!

Hey Mom, I'm a big girl now. 

Winnie has continued to surprise us over the past month. Her biggest achievement is WALKING. Yup. This child of ours is busy. She no longer uses her little walker, no longer holds on to the couch, no longer needs our assistance. [sad face] She mastered walking while we were in Delaware visiting my family. And once we got back home she started pivoting. [Pivot. Pivot.] Some of you will know. She taught herself how to do it and then, just one morning decided it was time. She's so smart and determined! Now to try and find shoes that fit. ;)

Makes her Daddy so proud! 
Carries her Coleman everywhere
She loves loves loves her Xylophone and books. She will rarely sit still long enough for me to read her a book, but you can find her squatting flipping through the pages pointing at pictures and babbling away.

Your turn Mama!!
Speaking of pointing, that has got to be her new favorite thing. She points all the time, either at pictures, toys, or people across the room [mostly me or Taylor]. It's adorable and it makes me laugh.

Squatting & flipping pages in her book
Winnie pointing and walking [fast] to me <3
She is also fascinated with dogs, truly loves them. She loves to look at them in books and chase after them in real life [mostly Mocha, which is the only dog I let her play with]. She even points to our neighbors dog and says, "doh doh doh" and then kicks her little legs in excitement.

Winnie eats almost anything we give her, and is learning "all done" and "more please" in sign language. I love seeing her little brain process what we try to teach her.

She has 4 teefers 
And for all of you who may not be counting... Winnie is TWO months from turning 1.
I just can't even.

April 1, 2014

Our Delaware Visit

A couple weeks ago we went up to Delaware to spend some time with my family. As usual we had a blast and wished we were there longer. But the time we had together was sweet and cherished. The next time we are all together will be for Winnie's first birthday!

Here are some photos from our trip. 

Winnie & Joey playing their Xylophones 

Aunt Christina & Winnie 
Joey getting his treatment. They are wonderful parents!! 

Cami helping wash Johnny's car
Gianna's getting so big. xoxo

At the park:

She LOVES the swings!

He's the best big cousin. He was always so sweet to Winnie :)

I adore this cutie-pa-tootie <3

The younger cousins [Jilek-side]

Johnny tried to take Winnie down the slide...
he couldn't fit, but eventually this was the result.
Winnie was not a fan. haha.
Always watching the doggie
Bumpa & Gianna sharing some laughs
She does it all. 
We played a game where Christina had to
dress up like this and stay that way
the whole game. It was hilarious. 

Dinner @ Johnny & Trish's house.
Me being weird about raw chicken... 
...Johnny making fun of me. 
Daddy/Daughter love

a little blurry.. but a good one.
Winnie loves her Grandma!