So what's new?
The kids I nanny started school (:-D) so now I have time to think about meals in the afternoon and prep them and take pictures and all that goodness. (I am going to try and do a better job at this... and plus, I owe my brother a blog! Man-foods on the way, Johnny).
We bought a new armchair and 4 high back rush bottom chairs from Craigslist. Yippeeee!!!!! More seating :) on a budget can be so fun when you find good deals!
We have family visiting, Jon & Julie, in a few weeks. We could not be more excited! These 2 are a huge part of our life, not just because we're family, but because we are such good friends with one another and really do life well together! :)
*Sigh* I could look at him all day. <3
Oh and one fabulous announcement, we are going to Passion2013! I have never been and it's been years since Taylor's last gone... I am too excited! Can you be too excited for passion? Ahhh!
Other than that, and not getting too personal and mushy on the web, we are doing great! God has been providing for us in more ways than I can begin to explain. He has been gentle and tender and kind and patient and loving and so much more! I seriously could not imagine doing life without my Maker, He gets me through each day!
What I'm reading?
Kisses from Katie
Seriously, read this book. This is an easy and yet incredible book about a girl, Katie, who listened to God and where He was calling her and in obedience, now lives in Uganda, a mother to 13 (+) children and spreads the love of Jesus to everyone around her. (My tiny description doesn't do this book justice.... so go read it :))
Faith On Trial
Taylor and I are reading this together. We're only in the first chapter and it's been so good. I am excited to see what God teaches us through the study of Psalm 73.
Lastly, Holiday's are on my mind. We will be doing Christmas with my family over Thanksgiving. I cannot wait to see my family again. It has been too long!!!
Love looking at that boy too!! Loving the Kisses from Katie book...potentially life changing- amen?