Winnie has had a very interesting last week. Taylor and I both caught a bug. Taylor came home with it and we initially thought it was food poisoning, but turns out it was a bug because I got it. Thankfully, in God's sovereignty and kindness, we were sick on opposite days so we could both take care of each other... Though with all the sickness we are thankful we were at the Brown's with cable TV. :) It's the little things people. We are both doing much better now!! And Winnie is doing great!!
Since we were sick I wasn't able to make baskets before Sunday, so we ran to the store and bought a few things and I made us a small basket Sunday night. Simple and fun :)
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We were most excited about Les Mis & The Hobbit!!! |
My mom and I took coffee to Taylor and she snapped a few photos. You can see my week 30 bump. :)
He's so handsome! <3 |
How far along: 30 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: -5 from last week but gained some back, now at 16 + lbs
Maternity clothes: Most of the time
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: It's starting to get uncomfortable, but thankfully I'm still sleeping through the night.
Best moment this week: My mom arriving and getting time with her!! :)
Miss anything: Being able to breath... Winnie doesn't have much room in there.
Movement: Mom, Taylor and I felt Winnie have the hiccups. It was a weird yet fun feeling.
Food cravings: Chocolate milkshakes!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender: Girl!!!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Sciatica (less, but still there), heartburn, back pain, and trouble breathing.
Belly button in or out: Out
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :)
Looking forward to: The rest of this week with my mom, meeting the Pediatrician, and my appointment next week- hearing her heartbeat again!!
There's nothing like time with one's mom :). I am so glad you are getting that time this week!! That's so cute about Winnie having the hiccups :). 10 weeks- yippee!!