

July 4, 2014

A late start...

To keep my family and friends up to date with my pregnancy process [round 2] and Winnie I'll continue posting belly blogs and Winnie updates as much as possible. I am a little late to start with pictures and posts this time around, but hopefully I'll be able to keep this up to date now.
Baby Brown is the size of a peach
and loves all things salty. 
How far along: 13 weeks and 2 days
Gender: We won't find out for another 2 months or so, we are anxious to know though!
Weight gain: 3 pounds
Maternity clothes: None yet, but I bought a cute top for like $2 at Old Navy and look forward to wearing it.
Stretch marks: None
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Not a lot this week with Winnie being sick :(
Best moment this week: Taking Winnie to her first baseball game & watching fireworks together!
Worst moment this week: Almost getting sick in the car while driving... it was rough. Note to self: always eat and always bring snacks. Always.
Miss anything: Mojitos. That's all.
Movement: Too little to tell.
Cravings: Salty french fries with vinegar, chips, Chinese food, and Kit Kats which are always a good idea, pregnant or not. :)
Queasy or sick: Queasy if I don't eat or drink every few hours.
Looking forward to: That 2nd trimester energy!!

Our little Winnie came down with a cold this past Sunday that turned into a mild case of Croup. She had a fever ranging from 101.1 to 102.5 and once that dropped she has just had this nasty cough. I must say though, we could not be more proud of our amazing girl. She hardly fussed, only the days she had a fever she was clingy and cried when she sneezed or coughed. She has been such a trooper and we all can't wait for it to be over.

If you didn't know already, we have a climber on our hands. Well, this week Winnie has learned how to climb onto the living room table and couch. She's fallen a couple times, once when she started running on the table and didn't realize the table came to an end and fell right off. We are currently teaching her how to properly get down... hopefully it'll stick.

We celebrated the 4th of July last night at the Intimidators baseball game minus Taylor because he wasn't feeling good. Winnie did great!! She was so curious of everything going on around her and was such a cheerful little fan. We also watched the fireworks her first time and she just kicked her feet to the music they played while I held her ears. She watched the whole time and didn't cry once.

When it started to drizzle we hung out like this. :) 
Winnie kept pointing to the mascot so we took her over
and she cried instantly. Thankfully Gisele managed to
get a decent picture of her, but you can tell she was frightened. 
Right before the fireworks started. We were excited!! 

Happy 4th of July!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog, as usual, love all the pictures! We'll love the 2nd baby updates and as we continue watching Winnie grow and climb. Praying for Winnie to be done with her cough (croup) and for you to have a perfect pregnancy! Hugs and kisses to you, Tay and sweet Winnie <3
