

September 9, 2013

3 months old

Turning 3 months came with many milestones. Where has the time gone? Seriously. It's flying by and sometimes I miss my tiny newborn, but I have to say, I am loving my ever-so-attentive little girl! This is such a fun age!!

Over the last week Winnie started rolling over(!), daddy did bath time with her all by himself, her gums are a lot harder and drool is becoming her thing... teeth are on the way. Her cousin Josh moved in and they are having fun together, and so are their mommies! ;) Winnie is officially out of her bassinet and sleeping through the night. She slept for 8 hours one night and 9 the next! I was actually more tired the next day-- what? She also started belly laughing at us this week. Once while I was giving her a bath and told her I was going to get her piggies while tickling her feet and she belly laughed out loud! It was the.best.ever. Then again after I did my hair and walked by a fan she started laughing. I guess my hair flying in the wind looked funny to her. :) She has become more content while laying on the floor and playing with her toys too, and she is more and more vocal each day. Oh and guess what?... We're starting to see a little strawberry red in her hair and it's adorable!!!!

playing like a big girl!!!
happy girl :)
Daddy's little girl <3
Drummin' with Daddy!
go Panthers!
playing with cousin Josh

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!!