

March 25, 2015

Update on the kiddos -

I can't believe it's been 4 months since I held my tiny boy for the first time. I know I say this all the time, but time is flying right by. Darren is such a big little boy now.

Age: 4 months old
Weight & Height: 12.12 lbs [10th percentile for weight] & 24.5 inches [25-50th percentile for height] 
Sleep: 6-7 hours at night, then up every 2-3 hours. During the day he has one good nap then 10 minute naps throughout the day. Mostly because he likes to be held and I can't always hold him and so he stays awake. Bless him. 
Clothes: Wearing mostly 0-3 month clothes, every once in a while I squeeze him into a newborn onesie. :) 

Lately Darren has been playing with his hanging toys on his play mat. He loves his little Zebra and often smiles and laughs at himself in the mirror. He smiles and coos a lot. He is currently holding his head up very high, cooing, and trying to roll over. He is acting like he wants to, but can't get past his side. Ha. Darren also loves to sleep on his belly, which he gets to do during nap time. He also loves sucking his fist and typically can't keep them out of his mouth or away from his face. He is such a happy baby!! "Smiling's my favorite" 

one of Winnie's baby dolls hanging with Darren 
enjoying this weather so much

St. Patty's Day 

Winnie loves Darren more and more every day. It's beautiful to watch. She hugs him, tickles his toes, tries to flip him over we don't like that part ;) , and plays pretend baby with her dolls. Often you see her doll's laying next to Darren on his play mat. It's adorable! I hope they grow up to be best buds!! 

Winnie is doing really well. She is our busy girl, always energetic, always on the go, very busy with her imagination, which we love, talking a ton, saying 2-3 word sentences. It's so fun talking with her and asking her questions. Also, she's almost TWO! Nuts. 

Age: 21 months old
Weight: 24 lbs ... she loves stepping on our scale. haha. 
[Current] Favorite Book: Little Blue Truck ["beep beep"], Goodnight Moon, and .... really all books. Winnie loves to read!!
Favorite Animal[s]: Elephants, Dogs, & Birds
Favorites / loves: Dance parties, story time at the Library, buses, the park, slides, the movie Frozen, "me baby" [Darren] and her baby dolls, play dates with friends, playing outside, bubbles, bath time.... so much more! 
New words: bus, slide, purple, down low, up high, boo boo, doctor, elephant, heart, star, bubble, dinner, buckle, please... just to name a few. ;)
Foods: Turkey lunch meat, craisins, bananas, avocados, hot dogs, .. she's been a little pickier these last few weeks, hopefully it's just a season. :) 

reading to Darren

walks and exploring with Dada
love this picture of Winnie sitting with Taylor.
This was a night this past month she was
cutting 4+ teeth and had a fever and was in pain...
looking beautiful! 

picking wild flowers <3
St. Patty's Day twins <3
[right after she ran face first into the kitchen door...
she has one speed- fast]

Saturday mornings she is usually watching Frozen :)

March 3, 2015

Delaware in February

This past month we took a trip to Delaware to visit my family. We were originally supposed to visit Delaware over Thanksgiving, but Darren was born early so plans changed. We had a great trip driving, the babies did fantastic and Taylor was amazing driving both ways the entire trip. He's a trooper, that drive isn't easy. Thank you love!!

Our time in Delaware was fun and relaxing. We enjoyed visiting with family, playing games, watching and enjoying the snow, playing in the snow (once), having a play date with one of my friends and her daughter, getting out with my mom and sister, and Taylor got to jam with my dad.

We love our visits with my family and they always go way.too.fast. Hopefully we will get to see them again sooner than later.

Here are some pictures that captured our week pretty well.

Cami & Winnie
Love this picture!!
These two <3

Patty-cake with Grandma

Winnie *loved* this rocking horse

Family photo session

Grandma & Bumpa with their grandkids <3  

Siblings <3

my baby boy looking dapper <3 

jam session  
Taylor making up stories to Cami about Minecraft 

My good friend Kristen and her daughter Stella 
love this!! 

Winnie's first time sledding down the hill. :)

Throwing snow with Winnie 
Getting warmed up with Bumpa 

 Winnie found Grandma's tea set. She loved playing with it. :)

Grandma teaching Winnie dominos
game night 
We weren't able to visit Johnny's one night because of the roads..
so we played a game via Skype :)
Her 'computer' and 'cellphone' :)

Memaw meeting Darren
Hugs and Kisses from Winnie xoxo
The *beautiful* frozen bay 

Can't wait until next time! <3