

February 12, 2016

Christmas Part 2... happy surprises!!!!

As it's already been announced I thought I'd share some picture from Christina, Joe, Trish, and Johnny telling mom and dad about their pregnancies. 

Christmas day Christina and Joe announced that they were expecting a baby, due in June!!!...... 

love my dads expression. :)

A few days later we noticed an addition to their onesie.....

and Trish and Johnny announced they too were expecting a baby, due in July! 

SO MUCH JOY!!!!!!!!

To add to the excitement Chris & Joe are having a GIRL and Johnny & Trish are having a BOY! It's perfect!

AND my sister-in-law Julie is ALSO pregnant with a GIRL, Lylah Jo, due in April!

TWENTY SIXTEEN is going to be such a fantastic year!!!