

December 4, 2013

Thanksgiving week full of fun-

This post is so late and over due, but I am home doing life with our little lady and sometimes getting to the blog doesn't happen. That's okay.

We have been so busy with holiday's coming and going way too quickly for my taste. Thanksgiving was a blast. We spent time with family and friends, went shopping, decorated more for Christmas, and ate a lot of delicious food.

Winnie went to her first birthday party. "Super Will" themed birthday party for her buddy. Will's mom, Hilary, said Will wanted "Wewe" (Winnie) to come to his party. How sweet!! We're working on her name. lol. It was a blast and she got her very own super cape to match the boys. I'm so happy our good friends have young children Winnie can grow up with. :)

As of lately, Winnie has been doing so much. She is army crawling everywhere. And we had our first experience of her crawling to something she isn't allowed to touch, continually. Haha. Winnie is also sitting up (once placed there) and is stable enough to play with toys. I put the mirror back up where she plays and she started talking and laughing at herself and kissing herself in the mirror. She doesn't yet know it's her... it's hilarious.

I weighed her and she is approximately 16 lbs now. She has her 6 month check up NEXT WEEK. You guys. How do we slow down time?????

She is eating solids every night. So far she has had sweet potatoes, peas, avocado, banana, carrots, and corn. She loves all of it except avocado. I think once I find a better way to mash them up she may like it. We are so proud of her!! It has helped her sleeping for the most part, waking up 1-2 times at night.

She is the biggest bundle of joy! Even on the hardest of days, she brings Taylor and I huge smiles and happy hearts! *so thankful for her*

Merry Christmas to Winnie!!!  
Winnie got her Christmas gift early.
She loves it :)
Never lets Josh go. haha
Turkey butts
i love how their legs & feet are the same!
"It's okay Joshy." 
chocolate turkey coffee dunkers -- yum.
Thanksgiving feast
meeting Austin & Carrie :)
With Aunt Bette
visiting with family <3

Birthday boy!
Big brother Zach
Little lady Winnie
This adorable cape! 
playing with Zach
pretty girl <3
Winnie & Will 

This weekend we do Christmas gifts with the Brown's. Then our Winnie turns 1/2 a year old. Who's going to catch my tears????.... But for real. It's going by too fast.

Winnie's first Christmas celebrations are going to be so much fun! December is full of family and new toys to chew on for Win. Exciting days ahead!!!


  1. Winnie and Zach playing together is too cute! Thanks for celebrating with us!

  2. Love the super Winnie cape!! Great pictures!!!
