

July 2, 2013

Our new life

It's busy. It's exhausting. It's beautiful.

This week Taylor went back to work so Winnie and I are learning life together just mommy and daughter. We often have mommy / daughter naps, especially in the mornings, I for one am so thankful for them! 

I cannot begin to express how much I LOVE being a mom. It is everything I wanted it to be. Three weeks in and I am more in love with this tiny human than I ever could imagine. She is the best!! Though, lack of sleep and tears and those fussy moments can be extremely hard, I am soaking it all up. I know these moments are going to pass quickly and so I am enjoying them to the fullest, and learning each day how to. 

Winnie has discovered her fists- sucking them often. She loves getting washed up, giving me smiles every time I clean under her chin. And today, her umbilical cord fell off!!! It grossed me out at first, but then I couldn't help but rejoice and take pictures. Her hair is getting longer already and she looks like she's gaining weight- but still fitting into her newborn clothes- yayy!!

One of my all time favorite moments with her is holding her as she falls asleep, as she wraps her arms around mine and lays her head on my shoulder. Oh i love it!! 

Jesus Culture's album Live From New York has played over and over. Here's one song that I've enjoyed most today.

I hope everyone has a great 4th of July weekend!!!

p.s... Her birth story is coming soon. :)


  1. It's so hard to not give her smooches right now!! She just gets more and more precious!! You are perfectly gifted for motherhood Stephanie and sweet Winnie is perfectly designed just for you!! <3 you 3!

  2. so proud of you! see you soon :)
