

July 9, 2013

Weekend Recap

July 4th was spent running errands in the afternoon [Winnie did fantastic] and then having dinner with the Brown's and hanging out. Our neighbors were setting off fireworks, but by the time 9:00 rolled around I had no energy to get up and watch. Our 4th festivities were just as I thought they would be, calm and relaxing. :)

Real life:  Trying to take pictures
of a tired baby... this is what you get.

my precious little girl <3
She finds so much comfort in her daddy!

Winnie and I went on our first mommy/daughter walk this past week. It was pretty bumpy, but she did great and fell right to sleep.

Aunt Chrissy, Uncle Joe and cousins Cami & Joey stopped by on their way back to Delaware. It was so special to get those 2 nights with them, I enjoyed it so much. :)

snuggles with Aunt Chrissy

The boys playing with glow sticks...

Our family fun continues when Johnny & Trish join us this Friday for the weekend. Can't wait!!! 

1 comment:

  1. It's so amazing at how fast Winnie is changing!! She just gets cuter and cuter! I am so glad you are getting more "Jilek" time :). <3 you 3!
