

January 13, 2014

7 Months Old

This past Friday Winnie turned 7 months old. She has done so much in the past month, including pulling herself up, walking while holding onto something, and becoming more verbal. She weighs 18 lbs and is growing so tall, or maybe it seems like that because she is standing now? Either way, she's getting so big! She makes being a mom so much fun and brings us so much joy. It's truly the greatest blessing. :)

Age: 7 months old

Clothes: She still fits in to some 3-6 month clothes, but she is mostly wearing 6 months or 6-9 months (which are kind of big). I adore her in t-shirts too (picture below). 

Favorite Foods: Still nursing, praise God!!!, but other foods: Earths Best Organic Rice Cereal (tastes like Cream of Wheat to us), bananas, applesauce, and peas.

Favorite Activity: Walking in her crib... that's right, she is so so mobile it's amazing. Though it is keeping her awake, she can't be in the crib tired because she will stay awake to work on her new skill.  (Makes nap time challenging, but we're working on it)

Signature Moves: Pulling herself up on almost anything she can keep her balance on, holding onto the side of her crib, couch, or coffee table and walking, crawling everywhere, and sitting up all the time. 

Sweet moments: Kissing her armpit makes her belly laugh. Hearing hear laugh and giggle is one of the sweetest things of all time. I love love love it!!! 

Moms Proudest Moment: Winnie pulling herself up for the first time (video below). 

Dads Proudest Moment: How quickly she's developing her motor skills, and how joyful she is. 

Other Milestones: She is very good at mimicking what you do. Tapping on the drum or table 3x and she'll copy and hit 3x too. She has graduated from the sling (a while ago) in her tub to sitting up, but we put her in the the garden tub once last week and she had so much fun crawling around in the water chasing after toys and pulling herself up (to which I quickly sat her back down). She loves water. It's so much fun!

Working on: A consistent nap time... she was on one, but recently stopped napping. Thankfully she's happy, but I know what she truly needs is a good nap. If you have any tips, please let me know. 

i love snuggles with my baby girl so much!

Can't get enough of this adorable child!!! <3 <3 <3

1 comment:

  1. I just love these posts because you can tell she is a joy and you both are wonderful parents!
