

December 5, 2012

Browns little coming soon!

First, I am sorry I haven't posted any recipes in the past month or so. There are few reasons why, but one main reason is because we have some news to tell you. . . .

We're PREGNANT!!!! 

I am 13 weeks this week. We finally announced it to our families and a few friends this past month before making it Facebook public. ;)

Without going into too much detail, I'm going to say this baby is a miracle. [And of course, every baby is a miracle from God, no matter the reasons or process behind it]. :)

Taylor and I found out this exciting news and are still kind of in shock. I know there was no reason for me to be surprised because God is able to do far more than I could ever imagine, but I was. An exciting surprise. An exciting shock.

We had our first ultrasound when I was 8 weeks. Our little baby's heartbeat was 169, which the lady said was good. :)

This is what we saw. . .

Our little sour patch baby. hehe!

Expected due date: June 10, 2013

As the joy continued, so did the nausea and morning [not so morning] sickness. So many smells bothered me. Poor Taylor had to open the windows and close our bedroom door in the morning when he made his breakfast. I stopped cooking meals... except things that didn't bother me... which didn't leave us with many options. Taylor was a trooper and God gave us both grace to get through it. The worst week of all was the week after we visited the Dr. I had food poisoning and all the baby pains. But it really is all worth it.

I think the worst is over, so far? I get headaches a lot... but if you know me well, you know that isn't anything new.

With every day that passes, I am eternally grateful for what God has blessed us with. I can't wait to feel our sweetie kick and move around. Update: On my latest visit when we were listening to the heartbeat [around 152] the nurse said there was a lot of movement. . .  so very exciting!!

Boy or Girl? We won't find out for a while.... before I was pretty head strong on what I wanted first, but now that I'm pregnant, it doesn't matter as much. :)

Here are a few baby bump pictures thus far.
This was taken after our first ultrasound...
Also at night, after I drank a whole bunch of water .
It is a stereotype.... but one night I seriously craved pickles.
We had to capture that moment. 
9 whole fabulous weeks!!
Stole the chalkboard idea from Pinterest... and that
will be one of the ways we update with pictures
and how I am doing.

week 13 picture to come...

God is so good!!!

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