

January 18, 2013

Week 19

Our little June bub is the size of a mango this week. Babes brain is developing and working on his/her five senses. We are just a few days away from our half way point and next week we will hopefully be revealing if it's a boy or girl!!!

How far along: Back end of 19 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 5.4 + lbs
Maternity clothes: Still the same. I've been wearing my maternity jeans, but they are starting to get baggy... I think it's time to wash them. ha! My shirts still fit for the most part. Soon enough I'll be going through my closet to eliminate what doesn't fit.
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: It has been great! Only waking up once to go pee. Sleeping through the night is such a gift from God that I used to take for granted... not any more!
Best moment this week: This has been a good week. Taylor and I are enjoying our times at home together resting and having fun. Every moment with him has been my favorite!
Have you told family and friends? Yes
Miss anything: Taking baths.
Movement: Yes yes and yes! Mommy and Daddy have BOTH felt movement!!! Teeny kicks! :) :)
Food cravings: Turkey and Ham sandwiches and Werther's Originals.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing!
Have you started to show yet: Getting bigger!!
Gender: Only 1 more week and we should find out!!!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: I have more energy these days, starting at 8pm lasting anywhere from 10-11. Which is not normal! Leg cramps have become more frequent. Thank you, Christina for my Ted stockings! Less headaches, except one bad migraine this week. It is what it is right? Last, I think I've developed a pet allergy. When I'm in a house with a dog my nose and eyes go crazy. I don't like it. I feel for all you [my Hubs especially] who suffer from this daily.
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy this week. Except one night... oh my! I couldn't breath out of my nose and I started crying... wailing is more accurate. Taylor and I couldn't do anything but laugh. It was hilarious! Taylor said, "I think we need to start a pregnancy book and THAT needs to go in it!" Lol. Whoa hormones!!!
Looking forward to: Finding out if it's a BOY or GIRL?????

My dearest Tricia sent me this diaper bag. She always said, "Once you're pregnant I have the perfect diaper bag for you." And she did! *THANK YOU, PHO!* I love it!!!

Taylor and I are reevaluating our babymoon plans. Our original plan was to go to Nashville and tour around, but we decided that resting on our babymoon was the best idea and Nashville wasn't the place to do that. So, we are looking into beaches. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. :)

My fabulous mom is visiting in April. Which means we will probably be either packing up boxes in the apartment or unpacking boxes in a house. Craziness!!

Please pray with us as we move forward in searching for a place to call home. We are so excited to see what God has planned!


  1. You look adorable!! I think I was 5x heavier at this point in both my pregnancies :). I will make sure we keep the dogs in the kitchen when you come and vacuum especially well!!

  2. you look great ofcourse! miss you and so looking forward to being there in April. Get house hunting soon it usually takes 3-4months to settle after you sign a contract. Hope you have immediate luck! Love you

    1. Thank you! Can't wait till you're here. Love you!

  3. You are too cute! So glad you're feeling better.

    I had to giggle about you crying because your nose was stuffy. When I was near the end of my pregnancy, the littlest things made me cry. I came home one day from the grocery store crying to Ryan because the lady in the deli department asked me how I wanted my cheese sliced, and I told her thin but she sliced it really thick. Haha!! Ryan didn't even know how to respond. It was a mega crisis.
