

June 16, 2015

Winnie turns 2!

Winnie turned TWO on June 10th. I remember the day she arrived 2 short years ago so vividly... everything about that day I would do over in a heartbeat because we got her. These past 2 years have been so full. Full of joy, laughter, tears, learning, messing up, and even more grace. Thank God for grace! 

Winnie is our smart, funny, loud, energetic, adventurous, spunky little lady. She continues to surprise me every day as she is learning and catching on to more and more things. It's so much fun to watch and such an honor to be apart of.

Last month I asked Winnie a series of questions and these were her answers:

What is your favorite color? "Yay-yo" [yellow]
What is your favorite animal? "Dow dow" & "Elofs" [dogs & elephants]
What is your favorite food? "Nana" [banana] & "Orange"
What is your favorite show to watch? "Nene" *huge smile* then looks at me and says, "dow dow oh yeah" [Barney & Clifford]
What makes you happy? "Dada happy" *big smile*
How old are you? "Two" Tries to hold up 2 fingers like a peace sign. :)
Winnie, when we leave the house where do you want to go? "Bye bye home" Lol. Yup. :)
What's your favorite sport? "basa-ball Mimi" [basketball with Miri]
Winnie, what do you want for your birthday dinner? [EVERYtime I asked her this, which was multiple times, different days.. she said the same thing] Craisins & Nanas [bananas] haha!

Other current favorites [obsessions]: Bubbles. Yellow Bus [school busses]. Tractors. & her "baby brober".

She truly has so much personality. It was hysterical asking her those questions and hearing her responses. :)

For her party, I wanted to do a bubble theme. It only seemed right since its so hot here and bubbles are her favorite, so doing an outdoor bubbles/water party would be the best thing for her.

Sadly, the week of her birthday she, Darren, and myself got a cold. Thankfully Winnie and I were better by Friday, but Darren's cold turned into double ear infection and a minor case of double pink eye. awesome right?. Also, Taylor & Joe were starting to feel sick. SO, that being said, I canceled friends coming over for her party, but didn't want to cancel it completely, so we just did the party with family. Wish you were here dad, Winnie misses her Bumpa! With the guys down, my mom, sister and I hauled butt and got EVERYTHING done. It ended up being PERFECT!!! And most importantly, Winnie had the best time.

Here are pictures from her special day:

Party favors: Cake pops & Bubbles  

Cousins :)
we LOVE you, Winnie!!! 
opening presents.


Playing in her new sand/water table 

standing in a giant bubble

i absolutely love her face here! 
pop pop pop 

love you babe! 
I am so thankful for family to come celebrate with us!! 

Could not have gotten Win's party together without these 2!
Thank you!! <3 

Gigi, Winnie, & Pop pop

Bubbles. Bubbles. Bubbles. Bubbles.!!!!!

This was the time when the bubble solution filled both pools and the slip & slide tarp... FUN!!!!

Slip & slide fun! 

Cake pops to finish off the day. 

Everything about her party was what I imagined [minus sickness]. I LOVED it and so did she!!! Thank you to everyone who made it happen. We love you!!

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie you did a fantastic job! The bubble pools were a great idea and the gift bags were cute and fitting!
