

April 1, 2014

Our Delaware Visit

A couple weeks ago we went up to Delaware to spend some time with my family. As usual we had a blast and wished we were there longer. But the time we had together was sweet and cherished. The next time we are all together will be for Winnie's first birthday!

Here are some photos from our trip. 

Winnie & Joey playing their Xylophones 

Aunt Christina & Winnie 
Joey getting his treatment. They are wonderful parents!! 

Cami helping wash Johnny's car
Gianna's getting so big. xoxo

At the park:

She LOVES the swings!

He's the best big cousin. He was always so sweet to Winnie :)

I adore this cutie-pa-tootie <3

The younger cousins [Jilek-side]

Johnny tried to take Winnie down the slide...
he couldn't fit, but eventually this was the result.
Winnie was not a fan. haha.
Always watching the doggie
Bumpa & Gianna sharing some laughs
She does it all. 
We played a game where Christina had to
dress up like this and stay that way
the whole game. It was hilarious. 

Dinner @ Johnny & Trish's house.
Me being weird about raw chicken... 
...Johnny making fun of me. 
Daddy/Daughter love

a little blurry.. but a good one.
Winnie loves her Grandma!

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