

April 10, 2014

Double digits

Winnie will never ever be in single digit [months] again... Isn't that crazy? Our growing baby is 10 months old today!

Hey Mom, I'm a big girl now. 

Winnie has continued to surprise us over the past month. Her biggest achievement is WALKING. Yup. This child of ours is busy. She no longer uses her little walker, no longer holds on to the couch, no longer needs our assistance. [sad face] She mastered walking while we were in Delaware visiting my family. And once we got back home she started pivoting. [Pivot. Pivot.] Some of you will know. She taught herself how to do it and then, just one morning decided it was time. She's so smart and determined! Now to try and find shoes that fit. ;)

Makes her Daddy so proud! 
Carries her Coleman everywhere
She loves loves loves her Xylophone and books. She will rarely sit still long enough for me to read her a book, but you can find her squatting flipping through the pages pointing at pictures and babbling away.

Your turn Mama!!
Speaking of pointing, that has got to be her new favorite thing. She points all the time, either at pictures, toys, or people across the room [mostly me or Taylor]. It's adorable and it makes me laugh.

Squatting & flipping pages in her book
Winnie pointing and walking [fast] to me <3
She is also fascinated with dogs, truly loves them. She loves to look at them in books and chase after them in real life [mostly Mocha, which is the only dog I let her play with]. She even points to our neighbors dog and says, "doh doh doh" and then kicks her little legs in excitement.

Winnie eats almost anything we give her, and is learning "all done" and "more please" in sign language. I love seeing her little brain process what we try to teach her.

She has 4 teefers 
And for all of you who may not be counting... Winnie is TWO months from turning 1.
I just can't even.

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