

September 10, 2015

Winnie & Darren

Sorry there haven't been many updates in the last few months, life is so busy. I have a few posts I need to write up on foods and family and life, but for now I will update you on our littles.

Winnie and Darren are both sprouting up like weeds.

dog ear hats 
Winnie has started preschool, we are working on a letter, theme, and bible story each week. We are currently on letter E, learning about the dentist because we she has her first appointment next week, and creation day 3. I have been so impressed and proud with how much she has learned so quickly. She is a little sponge. Speaking of being a little sponge, she repeats everything. She is talking in full sentences and comprehending things I didn't think 2 year olds could understand.

she loves to wash her hands
how else do you pick up a package off the porch? :-) 

first time having tea 
helping daddy sand the table 

She loves to read, play dinner with her picnic food and tea set, helping me in the kitchen with prepping meals, dancing (she has learned how to dance on her tippy toes with her arms up like a little ballerina :), doing chalk outside, playing doctor, caring for her baby dolls, painting, playing at the park, and so much more.

one of my favorite pictures
winnie, sam, & eli
playing dinner with daddy :) 
pinecone bird feeder
Darren had another appointment today to check his weight and stats to make sure he's gaining weight. 

If you didn't know, at his last appointment 2 weeks ago they weighed him and his stats were completely off the charts. The doctor said he was "failure to thrive".  She also said that if he didn't gain weight over the next 2 weeks then we'd have to see a food specialist. So, I started feeding him a whole lot of food. A mix between pureed foods and food from our plates and he LOVES loves loves food. haha Go figure. It took him a while to get used to swallowing, before I tried feeding him foods he would just gag, but now he is so good at it. He loves Mexican (shredded chicken, black beans, corn, avocado, cheese), chicken/rice/veggie soup, spaghetti, sweet potatoes, yogurt (his favorite), and pretty much anything but peas. haha. He has also gotten much better at finger grasping puffs and other foods. 

My work has paid off, he has gained weight! He is 2.5 ounces from gaining a whole pound. Woohoo!! Because of that the doctor said to just continue doing what I'm doing. I'm so glad. :) 

Because Darren has eaten more in the last 2 weeks, he has also developed in other ways too. He is inch worm crawling everywhere and pulling himself up onto everything (he wasn't pulling himself up before). He isn't sure how to put himself back down once he stands up and ends up getting stuck and crying for help. Poor little buddy. haha. He is also cutting 2 top teeth which is very exciting.

he has a nice bruise on his forehead from falling here
buddy boys darren & nate

I am starting to think of first birthday party plans for our sweet Darren. Can you believe that? I can't. It's too soon you guys. Too soon. 

Winnie and Darren both love playing together. We are still working on boundaries with Winnie, like not picking him up by the neck! They make us laugh so much and keep us on our toes all at the same time. 

this was too fun!!
they both loved driving around lowes :)
We are busy, but I wouldn't change it for anything. 

I hope everyone is enjoying the last days of summer. We are very excited for Fall. :) 

1 comment:

  1. Dad and I love the pics and enjoyed your blog. I especially laughed when I read about Winnie picking Darren up by the head (neck) made me laugh LOL. So glad Darren is eating and gaining weight, feed him as often as he wants haha. You are both doing a great job with them...XOXOXOX
