

January 13, 2012

Joe's Omelette - Ohhh so DELICIOUS!

My sisters husband, Joe, made Taylor and I his special omelette over Christmas break. He said it was a "use what you have in the fridge" omelette, and now I buy just those ingredients to make this delicious omelette!

[Making this for two] About 30 minutes prep & cooking time

You will need:

1 tbs Olive Oil
4 eggs
1 cup of ham, chopped
1 apple, chopped [Pink Lady is our choice of apple :)
1 cup of onions
goat cheese
salt & pepper [to taste]
honey, as your topping

1. Chop ham, apples, & onions.

2. Place tbs of olive oil in frying pan, fry chopped onions, apples, & ham with cinnamon.

3. Add eggs [mix together in bowl before adding] 

*They are hard to flip, the first time I used a plate, the second time Taylor did it, he did a much better job than me. :) 

4. After the eggs are cooked, crumble the goat cheese over the egg & then fold into an omelette onto your plate.

5. Top the omelette with honey! [Be generous!]

Some of the ingredients [apples & honey] seem strange to have in an omelette, I know, but trust me, it's good! :) Now I am from the North, and up there we put ketchup on our eggs, and not having ketchup was weird at first, but the honey made the perfect balance to the goat cheese & onions & apples.

6. Enjoy!! :)


  1. We are going to cook this tonight!! :) Can't wait to let you know how it goes! Thanks for sharing!
