

May 4, 2013

Butternut Squash Baby

I can't wait for number 3 to join our family! 

I am in the last few days of week 34 and I am feeling large and tired.... but still enjoying being pregnant. :) I am so anxious to meet our tiny I can't even take it. She is about the size of a butternut squash. She is weighing anywhere between 4-6 lbs and measuring anywhere between 17-18 inches. She is able to recognize songs we sing or music we listen to. Which explains why I feel lots of movements during worship on Sundays. :) And her fingernails have now reached the tips of her fingers. Yay for future manicures!

As for mommy and daddy, we are 1 week today in our home. Settling in has been slowly happening. We have been working non-stop till the late hours of every night to get things done. Saying I'm tired is an understatement, but grace is overflowing to me and I am thankful.

My mom and sister arrive next Thursday and i.can't.wait. My goal is to get Taylor and I out of the guest room and into our room and set up the guest room for them by.... Thursday! It doesn't seem like a lot to do, but come over and you'll understand. haha ;)

I've also had hospital bag checklists on my mind. Maybe it's all the pre-registering/birthing plans I've been doing. Not to mention we are a short 2 weeks away from being 'full-term' - what?! Soon we'll be holding our girl in our arms. Until then, she continues to cook and prepare for life outside of mama.

How far along: 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 15 lbs - somehow I lost 2 lbs? when i look like i've gained 5!
Maternity clothes: Yes & Taylor's shirts
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Officially uncomfortable [especially since i so badly want to sleep on my back] and i'm up every few hours making my rounds to the bathroom.
Best moment this week: Laying in bed with Taylor and watching my belly- she was moving and pushing out a bunch.
Miss anything: Sleeping on my back
Movement: I am starting to feel more solid pushing out rather than turns or flips. She has less room, which my Doctor said less movement is normal because of that.
Food cravings: Anything healthy please! That is -craving- I haven't done a good job at actually eating that way. All this child wants is sugar... i guess it's time to start practicing saying no?
Anything making you queasy or sick: I had heartburn the other night which made me nauseous. But once I fell asleep I was golden.
Have you started to show yet: Yes - been told i look like i'm due any day now.... not sure how i feel about that comment. haha
Gender: Girl!!!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: I had a bad charley horse cramp this past week- i hate them. Right rib pain and lower abdominal pressure- lots and lots of pressure.
Belly button in or out: Out
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I was moody earlier this week. I am blaming stress and fatigue. The last few days i've been happier :)
Looking forward to: Setting up Winnie's nursery!!! And my mom and sister coming into town :)


  1. You are so beautiful Steph! It is so amazing to think precious Winnie will be here before we know it. We couldn't be more excited about your beautiful new home and for the glorious days ahead with your little one!

  2. I love everything about this post! You look beautiful and the blog looks great too! :) I can not wait to see you and celebrate you this weekend!

  3. As always loving your blogs! Christina and I are so excited about being there in just a few days. So happy how God is blessing you and Taylor with your new home and beautiful Winnie; she will be here soon! You and Tay will be such great parents! Love you so very much! see you Thursday night :)

  4. your blogs need to be made into a book for Winnie to have when she's an adult
