

May 23, 2013

Full-term baby

I am officially 37 weeks preggers and that means I am considered full-term. This is the homestretch. A huge part of me feels like it has flown by, but lately it's feeling like every minute is an hour. I am so anxious to have this little girl. We can't wait to hold her and kiss her and start this family of 3!

These past few weeks have been anything but relaxing. We have been going going going non-stop. But what is wonderful is we've had help from family and friends to make it go a little smoother. My mom and sister were here last weekend for my shower and Mother's day and my mom and dad were here this weekend to bring us furniture for Winnie's room and to get her room started. And during the week the Brown's have been here a few nights helping with our bathroom and painting. With all that help we have gotten all the wall paper down in our bathroom and all the wood work up in Winnie's room. Woohoo! Taylor and I are so thankful for the sacrifice of time and money family has done for us. Thank you! The house is almost ready!!

Sorry I have been so lame and haven't been doing my chalkboard updates. To be honest, I don't have time. We did however just give the chalkboard a home, perfectly placed in our kitchen. :) Before she's here I'll make sure to do at least 1 more chalkboard update.

Winnie is about the size of a Winter Melon and probably weighs 6 or more pounds. She is and has been for a while head down and very low.

How far along: 37 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 19 lbs
Maternity clothes: I wear whatever fits at this point.
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Uncomfortable. I haven't gotten much sleep lately.
Best moment this week: My mom and dad being in town- we got so much done. Hearing Win's heartbeat at my appointment - a strong 137. And preparing for Winnie's arrival- all her clothes are washed and hung, her bag is packed and mommy and daddy's bags are almost packed.
Miss anything: Walking without waddling
Movement: She is still moving around in there. I see her knee, foot, and bum push out all the time and her head has been laying on my bladder for a while now... that is always nice. ha. She also has the hiccups all the time.
Food cravings: Over the past few weeks: Sautéed mushrooms, fruit of all kinds, chocolate, and frozen yogurt.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing
Have you started to show yet: Of course
Gender: Girl!!!
Labor Signs: My doctor says she is low, which explains why my breathing has gotten a little easier, but now everything hurts from the waist down... she is almost ready for her big day. Cervix is 1 cm dilated. Come on baby girl! I hope we make it to June and then she can show up whenever~ 
Symptoms: Fatigue, swollen ankles, leg pain, puffy face, greater urge to pee, naps... lots and lots of naps.
Belly button in or out: Outie!
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I feel pretty happy, but I am overly exhausted which makes me moody sometimes.
Looking forward to: Winnie <3 
And Taylor has a 3 day weekend and we're having a date on Monday for the first time in what feels like FOREVER. Words cannot begin to describe how excited I am for this and how much we need it!!!

Here is a sneak peak of a few house projects:


On a side note, we upgraded Taylor's grill. My dear love, he deserves this grill and so much more. I look forward to many meals coming from this manly thing.

We got a grill for our wedding that we weren't able to use until we got into the house. Though it is charcoal and super adorable... it's not manly and not ideal. I am sure we will use it every once in a while, but I had to get him a new grill. Taylor researched which one he liked, and so this is my i love you, thank you for everything, welcome home gift to him. :)

He went from this.....

We are thankful to Carrie & Austin for this
precious wedding gift. I personally love it. :)
It's okay to laugh.... we did! 
To this.....

Breaking it in with steaks! 
Ohhh yeah!!!
My sexy man and his grill <33

I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Weekend! 


  1. Your home is looking fabulous!! We are so excited for you 3! What a wonderful season of life!

    1. thank you! :) this is week is going to be one for the books because i think we're finishing our big projects! woohoo!

  2. This might be my favorite post yet! For 1 of 2 reasons:
    1. Winnie is almost here and that makes things all the more exciting!
    2. You look just as pretty (if not more) than we always dreamed you would look like when you were 9 months pregnant!! Can't believe how far you've come since our sweet girl talks almost 4 years ago!!

    <3 You

    1. Kaitlin- i remember those days and miss them. remember sitting on the floor at the SU theatre? It is amazing how far we've come!! and thank you, you are so encouraging!! i love you friend!

  3. Of course I remember! I miss those days too. Such sweet memories! I don't know what I would have done without you those last two years...for real!

