

September 5, 2014

22 weeks

Sorry for the lack of updates on baby #2. Winnie is keeping us busy with transitioning to one nap a day, so that's got all my attention for now.

As far as this pregnancy goes, I'm doing pretty good. Most days I feel great and energized, though there have been a couple days this past week where I just cried simply because I was tired. That happened at 9 in the morning.... yep. But funny thing, once I cried I felt better and energized. HORMONES. 

Boy Brown is growing so much these days. He has eyelashes, eyebrows and even some hair on his itty bitty head. He should be weighing around 1 lb now, but I think our little guy is more than 1 lb because of his latest measurements from our 20 week appointment. Either way. He's growing tons and moving around A LOT!

How far along: 22 weeks
Gender: Boy :)
Weight gain: 14 lbs
Maternity clothes: You betcha and Taylor's t-shirts. :)
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty well. Only had 1 night this week where Winnie kept me up. Other than that, boy Brown is letting me rest peacefully.
Best moment this week: All my play time with Winnie has been wonderful. I love it!!
Miss anything: The gym... we just can't afford it right now. One day in the future I'll be back!
Movement: Yeppers, he's moving around a lot in there. It's one of my favorite things.
Cravings: No cravings at the moment. That could change in 5 seconds.
Queasy or sick: No, thank God!
Labor signs: None
Symptoms: I'm starting to have bad leg pain again. Not yet sciatica, just horrible muscle pain. My headaches have reduced which is amazing! Thank God!!
Looking forward to: Planning his little nursery (and rearranging other rooms to make it work).

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Steph, you are so beautiful! I'm glad all is going well and baby boy is doing great. Try eating a banana every day see if that helps your legs cramping. Love you!
