

October 28, 2014

Winnie Ann

Winnie girl is 16 months old and in full-swing toddler mode. Winnie's joy for life and big imagination at such a young age continues to amaze us. We love watching her learn and process so many new things we teach her. This is such a fun age!!

She loves to smell flowers :)

Fun facts about Winnie: 
  • Winnie loves apple juice. She would drink it all day long if I let her. 
  • We are currently transitioning her from bottles to sippy cups for milk. She's not a huge fan, which makes drinking milk during the day pretty much nonexistent. We are still doing her bottle at night for now.  
  • Mommy & Daddy's favorite words she is currently saying are "Uh-Oh" and "Thank You". It's the best!! She has a little bit of a southern twang when she says uh oh, it's hilarious. 
  • Winnie hugs and kisses my belly when we talk about her baby brother Darren :)
  • I'm gonna go ahead and say her favorite season is Fall since we are spending more time outside because of this amazing weather. 
  • Winnie loves the park, running around our driveway picking up sticks, taking our neighbor boys basketball, and playing with her friends.
  • Winnie truly dislikes having dirty hands or anything on her hands for that matter. 
  • She loves books, we read through them all the live long day. I have almost all of them memorized. haha
  • She also loves puzzles and has recently started taking them apart and putting them back in the right places!
  • Winnie plays picnic multiple times a day on our bay window bench. It's so adorable!!
  • Winnie's all time favorite show is hands down, Barney. Her excitement is amazing even if you just say his name. 
  • She had her first weekend away at her grandparents house this month. She did amazing! 
  • Winnie is also our wanna-be-chef. She loves being held while we cook or standing on a chair watching/helping with whatever I'm making. 
  • Over the past 2 weeks Winnie has cut 4 new teeth, grew in inches [30 something inches now], and is just about out of her size 5 shoes.

Age: 16 months & 3 weeks
Weight & height: 23 lbs
Favorite book: Apple Farmer Anne, Goodnight Moon, and any of her first word books.
Favorite toy: Picnic, balls, any blocks, chalk
Favorite animal: Dogs
Personality: Independent, extremely observant & smart, very silly, and sometimes a bit sassy. She is always making us laugh.
This box has entertained Win all week long! haha
Wearing Daddy's shoes

Loves: The park, outdoors, reading, apple juice, when daddy comes home from work, watching mom cook from a chair (and sometimes helping), climbing on everything, playing daddy's drums, and dancing.

Words: "mama", "dada", "Bumpa", "nana" (banana), "up", "off", "on", "hi", "turtle", "ball", "tickle", "Gigi", "hot", and so many others. She is really starting to grow in her vocabulary.

Foods: Cheese, Pizza, Eggs, Yogurt, Craisins, Fruit, Peas, Spaghetti, and meat- depending on what it is and how it's flavored.

love <3 

Hope everyone has a great Halloween! 

1 comment:

  1. Always love your blogs! Hugs and kisses to our sweet Winnie <3
